Friday, December 13, 2013

Diplomacy Does Not Solve Everything

I chose to criticize The Bemused Citizen blog on using diplomacy as a weapon of peace. First of all, I completely agree with making peace rather than bombarding countries with our military force. It is not the right way to handle every situations. But my problem with this article is that not every situation can be handled with negotiations. The article fails to show proof that the diplomacy will solve everything. Their has been some situations in other countries that America had to use military force such as Holocaust. We weren't going to wait till more thousands of people are dead. The military force is what created America to be one of the strongest and reliable country today. The other countries are out to get us and wants to see us suffer. The military force is the way to go in some situations to protect the Americans that relies on the government to protect us and make choices on what's best for our nation.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Homeless Left To Starved

In the article As Homeless Line Up for Food, Los Angeles Weighs Restrictions written by Adam Nagourney writes about the problems with giving free food to the homeless and the collateral damage  they have to deal with afterwards. The Los Angeles City Council's only solution is to ban the feeding of homeless people in public spaces or restrict the amount of food given to them. After 27 years of giving food to the homeless by the Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition to give the unfortunate ones food to keep them from starving to death. Somehow Its decided its not right because of the two calls from two Los Angeles City Council members to banned them from giving food to the homeless.

The article is biased towards the comfort of people who has money and power in the society. In one paragraph of the article, an actor says, "If you give out free food on the street with no other services to deal with the collateral damage, you get hundreds of people beginning to squat" then he goes on saying how his neighborhood is looking more like a mental ward. How can an actor call the unfortunate one's mental when their just trying to survive? I can understand the frustration but its not reasonable enough to want to starve people just because you feel uncomfortable with another human being. Also its hard to believe when the complaint is coming from an actor who has money and power.

My parents has always taught my siblings and I to always help each other out no matter what. Isn't that what were suppose to do? As a person we are suppose to want to help those in need and especially when they are at their lowest. How is banning food a solution? I thought as a government they are suppose to help situations better not make them worse. The author focuses on only the negativeness about the homeless. The homeless people are only perceived as collateral damage to the communities. What about the other homeless people who does not cause any problems? Nagourney only focuses on the problems. Also instead of complaining the two council members could have used its power, money and influence to make the situation better not get rid of.

If banning the food is their solution it is only making matters worse when numerous of people die on the streets because we decided not to help them. No one can understand the problems and struggles the homeless people go through everyday. We are not to judge and call them collateral damage. As humans we are suppose to help those in need not turn our backs.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


In this assignment, I will be criticizing on America's Current Government blog post over legalizing marijuana. Everyone knows the pros and cons of marijuana. I just feel like marijuana is not really an issue that's important right now with the other current issues were experiencing with the economy and the government. Marijuana may cure other illnesses but its the fact that teenagers takes advantage of the medical plant where the government isn't sure of legalizing when their having problems with it now and its not even legalize. He says we can be more strict about it for the teenagers but how when teenagers are still able to get a hold of alcohol when their not even twenty one and other dangerous drugs from drug dealers.

There's always going to be rule breakers more than the followers because that's what teenagers do. If the government and the doctors believe that marijuana should be legalize then they would have done it by now. If not then they probably have good reasons why they should not legalize the medical plant. Plus, we're in the century where I believe the people, nowadays, are more prone to using it other than curing illnesses and making it legalize would add to other current problems the US going through now. Also the blog mentions a study in Madrid but failed to really explained what its really all about like how and who they used it to rather than what it cured.

Who knows it could have taken them a million times to get that result since its only a study. I feel like he should found a study here in the US since he wants it legalize here in states not in other countries. Also he mentions that it would be nice give the patients an option to cure themselves naturally but there's other ways to cure illnesses in a natural way rather than focusing on marijuana because of the good side effects it gives you. How does he know that marijuana would be consistent in curing those illnesses? which he did not mention at all. In conclusion, the blog didn't really convinced me in why we should legalize it because he didn't mentions any studies here in the US and reasons why the US thinks we should legalize it. I wanted more information rather than Madrid's study and why he thinks we should legalize it.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Equal Opportunity

  America should have a program in which illegal alien that have already crossed the border and is actively participating in the work force have the rights to work and earn their livelihood by limiting their hours monthly and in the process be able to earn their citizen in a fixed amount of years within the US. The program should include required attendance of communication seminars to better speak English; Also, creates more job by maintaining and giving opportunities to distribute the unwanted jobs that majority of the population is averse to doing. It would encourage diversity and giving them a process to be a citizen would help partially solve the issue with paying taxes.
 This specialize program process would help the government monitor and improve the censorship of the immigrant and undocumented population that has always been a reoccurring issue within the economy. By discouraging this program and allowing the current system to continue would encourage crime, unjust payment to immigrants by opportunistic employers, but this would highly encourage a just process for social security.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Privilege

An article written by Joel Boyce--called "Should Rick Kids Get Most of the Scholarships?"--discusses the issues he has against rich kids getting most of the merit based scholarships. The merit based scholarship, is an academic scholarship given to the top students of their high school with an outstanding grade point average and includes nearly 30% percent of the state aid. He complaints about how the privilege students who were raised to study hard and blessed with money should not need the scholarship. Then Boyce keeps on complaining the advanced program, extra-curriculars, high-end computers and tutors they have to help them succeed. 

I feel like this article is biased because of the hardships Boyce went through as a student who grew up with nothing. He worked 25-30 hours per week and never got any chance to go have fun. It sounds more like jealousy and anger towards the rich people. I understand the hardship he went through because I also worked and still working in college but that does not mean I should be angry to those whose parents worked hard to give their children the tools they need to succeed. I honestly, do not get any financial aid because of my parents income but that does not mean they have money to put me through college. 

Also Boyce focuses only on the merit base scholarships but what about the other scholarships that helps low income students. There are various scholarships that does help students with different needs and financial aid. You just have to find the scholarships and the right people with money willing to invest in you for school. On another hand, Boyce does not show any evidence or study that rich students mostly get the merit based scholarships. He only focuses on the rich students but what about the students who are granted financial aid with low income parents compare to the students with a average income parents who does not get money for school just because the government decides they have enough to put their kids to college.  

He also includes the that state school loves merit-based aid students to raised their profile and alumni donations. How does he know that? Boyce has not research any of assumptions he had claimed. Boyce only assumes that the state school does showing no evidence of studies. In conclusion, Boyce is biased because of the hardships he went through as a working student. Also he narrows the articles with one scholarship showing no study that rich students does get most of the merit based scholarship and assumes a lot of things with no evidence of studies. I believe everyone must work hard to get to the top so why is he complaining and blaming the rich kids. He should blame the government or the people who decides where the money goes. 


Saturday, October 5, 2013


Tracy Russo writes a blog (Thanks to Obamacare, I'm cuyting my premiums in half) about how helpful Obamacare has been with making her insurance coverage cheaper.  The blog is obviously bias from the beginning to the end. In the beginning, Tracy talks about her previous job with working in the Obama administration for four years which is most likely during his election. She was the director of the New Media at the United States of Justice who strategies for campaigns, nonprofit and government clients showing how she knows how to deceive audiences/readers. She lacks more information about the Obamacare except that it is helpful, easy and makes insurance coverage cheaper. The Obamacare may help numerous people who does not have health insurance but it also affects the workers and the money its costing to help families. People forget where the money is coming from and how much debt it can put U.S in. Also Tracy talks about how easy it is to sign up from her experience only and not others. How would she know if its easy because she has available resources and knowledge because she has worked previously with the Obama administration. Tracy Russo is a 31 year old woman who runs her own business and has no children. What about parents or single parents would it be easy for them as well or would it be harder because they have children? She fails to write any requirements to be eligible on the Obamacare which the readers would assume that its available for everyone. The blog is full of crap and its not that I don't agree with the Obamacare but sometimes we fail to forget the effects it would have on other people. Yes, Obamacare would help numerous of families especially those who are in a serious condition where surgery, check -ups and etc are needed. I mean who would not agree on a cheap insurance especially in times where America is struggling.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hunger Strikes!

On September 19, 2013, New York Times published an article called, House Republicans Pass Deep Cuts in Food Stamps. The food stamp program authorizes funds to help the nations's farm and nutrition programs that has been a part of the farm bill since the Great Depression was cut down by the Republicans of the House. The Republicans pushes through the bill that cuts down the food stamp program leaving half a million of families hopeless and in jeopardy of starving. Republicans believe that by cutting down the program, the United states will benefit in saving more money, meaning less debt. Also, it helps Americans back on their feet by requiring them to be enrolled in a work training program, allowing them to receive benefits. However, Democrats believe that cutting down the program will place U.S and millions of families into poverty. The food stamp program is used by nearly half a million people in the last year. Many families depends on this program to help them cut down on their bills and feed their children. The food stamps are known in helping and keeping families out of poverty. I am aware of the debt that U.S is in but that does not mean they have to sacrifice the health and lives of millions of families, especially in a time where poverty has increased in the last years. So I believe people should be aware of the changes that will happen next year and in their lives. Hunger is not only happening in the third world countries but now in our own territory.