Saturday, November 2, 2013

Equal Opportunity

  America should have a program in which illegal alien that have already crossed the border and is actively participating in the work force have the rights to work and earn their livelihood by limiting their hours monthly and in the process be able to earn their citizen in a fixed amount of years within the US. The program should include required attendance of communication seminars to better speak English; Also, creates more job by maintaining and giving opportunities to distribute the unwanted jobs that majority of the population is averse to doing. It would encourage diversity and giving them a process to be a citizen would help partially solve the issue with paying taxes.
 This specialize program process would help the government monitor and improve the censorship of the immigrant and undocumented population that has always been a reoccurring issue within the economy. By discouraging this program and allowing the current system to continue would encourage crime, unjust payment to immigrants by opportunistic employers, but this would highly encourage a just process for social security.

1 comment: said...

I think this is an incredible idea. It would be so much easier for all involved parties if the U.S. government would stop trying to fight so hard against immigrants when they're just going to keep coming to our country and joining the work force. Allowing them citizenship after a certain number of years as long as they fulfill specific requirements would solve so many problems. The only question I have is about all of the illegal immigrants that have been here for years working steady jobs. If this program were to come into effect would they be required to attend all the seminars to learn english or could they test out? And would they have to start the program from the beginning or would they get move ahead faster depending on how many years they have already been living in the U.S.? If all of those scenarios are worked out then I think this program would be really beneficial.