Friday, September 20, 2013

Hunger Strikes!

On September 19, 2013, New York Times published an article called, House Republicans Pass Deep Cuts in Food Stamps. The food stamp program authorizes funds to help the nations's farm and nutrition programs that has been a part of the farm bill since the Great Depression was cut down by the Republicans of the House. The Republicans pushes through the bill that cuts down the food stamp program leaving half a million of families hopeless and in jeopardy of starving. Republicans believe that by cutting down the program, the United states will benefit in saving more money, meaning less debt. Also, it helps Americans back on their feet by requiring them to be enrolled in a work training program, allowing them to receive benefits. However, Democrats believe that cutting down the program will place U.S and millions of families into poverty. The food stamp program is used by nearly half a million people in the last year. Many families depends on this program to help them cut down on their bills and feed their children. The food stamps are known in helping and keeping families out of poverty. I am aware of the debt that U.S is in but that does not mean they have to sacrifice the health and lives of millions of families, especially in a time where poverty has increased in the last years. So I believe people should be aware of the changes that will happen next year and in their lives. Hunger is not only happening in the third world countries but now in our own territory.

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