Friday, December 13, 2013

Diplomacy Does Not Solve Everything

I chose to criticize The Bemused Citizen blog on using diplomacy as a weapon of peace. First of all, I completely agree with making peace rather than bombarding countries with our military force. It is not the right way to handle every situations. But my problem with this article is that not every situation can be handled with negotiations. The article fails to show proof that the diplomacy will solve everything. Their has been some situations in other countries that America had to use military force such as Holocaust. We weren't going to wait till more thousands of people are dead. The military force is what created America to be one of the strongest and reliable country today. The other countries are out to get us and wants to see us suffer. The military force is the way to go in some situations to protect the Americans that relies on the government to protect us and make choices on what's best for our nation.

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